Title: kind heart? Think twice
This happened to Anonymous few days ago….
Anonymous is doing group work in class and there are 2 teammates which Anonymous
Have. Some are quiet and some are smart. But whoever it is, they don’t have thumb drive. Same goes to Anonymous. So therefore, trying to contribute to the team and wanted the team to work well, Anonymous decided to go around the class to ask for a thumb drive.
Sleepy eye classmate decided to lend Anonymous even though sleepy eye classmate is sleeping. Anonymous was happy and took the thumb drive and save the work on the thumb drive. Just that, it says Viru$ found and has been transfer to Anonymous computer. Wow!
Anonymous was piss and angry as computer is sort of the soul of Anonymous although Anonymous is not good in IT. But its just some soul that connect to Anonymous. Okay? Whatever it is. Anonymous just keep quiet as sleepy eye classmate is still in its lala land while Anonymous is in hell as the computer is detect with Viru$. Scan have been pop out here and there and that usually scares Anonymous and its worse than horror movie.
So Anonymous rush for help and manage to “destroy” the Viru$. But the some how sometimes the computer is slow. Examples like start up and also shutting off. This are the things which is suddenly become like that which is very worried. Though full scan is conducted but then its sometimes like that. So therefore, Anonymous is plain and decided to format or whatever shall it call on certain days which is very free. As for now, since full scan have conducted that its fine and though the system is sometimes slow but its okay. Some friends give advice its not really that worse and just wait till it worse then format or whatever shall it call.
Therefore, conclusion is that computer is now fine but rather abit slow.
Though this may not concern the reader but thanks for reading…
♦junk-record♦™ : anonymous - 5:04 AM
Title: “magazine” update
Thanks people for supporting the “magazine” special early this month by reading it even though it wasn’t a proper or famous magazine. But there’s still reader who want to read the post.
Thank you for the support.
The “magazine” special has come to an end and whether will there be a second issue; it is still unknown as this is just some special occasion.
Thank you.
♦junk-record♦™ : anonymous - 5:01 AM
♦ Thursday, June 18, 2009
Title: “Magazine” special : Life?
To _________________:
Sadly, this is the last post of the “magazine” special which means it’s actually the ending of “magazine” special…
What is life?
What is life all about?
Sometimes life is unfair
Plainly unfair
Really unfair
Seriously unfair
Kinda unfair
Just unfair
Totally unfair
Bloody unfair
Very unfair
You maybe admire people who have things and stuff which you don’t even have.
Then you will feel sad that life is unfair.
Actually life is really unfair
But then you may not know actually people also did admire you as they don’t have the things and stuff which you have.
It’s just that you don’t even know.
So therefore, it’s actually a comes around and goes around things but with more or less discount.
But then seriously, life is unfair… really unfair.
Therefore, life maybe or really unfair which is cannot be control nor do anything by us.
But then, what is life?
Life isn’t about finding yourself
Life is about creating yourself
End of “Magazine” special
♦junk-record♦™ : anonymous - 7:03 AM
♦ Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Title: “Magazine” special : Mr Right / Miss Right
Bet that people who love to read love stories and watch love movies are praying to find their Mr Right or maybe their Miss Right and live happily ever after right?
The following people are just some Mr Right and Miss Right which you want to live happily ever after…
People who live in their own world will ignore whatever things happened around them and just stay with their cliques.
While other people are talking or presenting, they will just do their own things and never listen. So therefore, when you shouted at them or what, they will give the innocent look like as if they are really innocent so that they are RIGHT.
Making people believe them they are RIGHT and the people who release the anger are the wrong person. But actually, we believe that people who have seen the full stories will know who is RIGHT and wrong.
People who like to force you to do things or wanted to do things in their way and once you rejected them and speak up for yourself, they will just be angry with you and ignore you without listen to your reasons, thinking they are RIGHT.
People who have high position than you or whatever will argue with you once you disagree them. Thinking that you are just nothing but wanted to create problem while you are actually trying to voice out your points.
Do you know why?
Because they are RIGHT.
So therefore, this are some Mr Right and Miss Right which you may want to live with and lead a happily ever after, right ?
If not ?
Which Mr Right and Miss Right, are you referring to?
♦junk-record♦™ : anonymous - 7:00 AM
Title: “Magazine” special : Phrases
You disappointed ,
Kinda started to hate you now…
Know you will not care
Because you don’t appreciate yet think on all those unnecessary stuff and leaving in your own world.
All the best to you then.
♦junk-record♦™ : anonymous - 11:33 PM
Title: “Magazine” special : fewer or many friends?
Happy just because you have many friends?
Sad just because you have fewer friends?
Well, actually many or fewer friends is actually doesn’t even matters at all. It’s actually doesn’t blame on your character or maybe even your popularity at all.
Yup, not even at all. Maybe some say yes, while some say no.
But its okay, whether is it true, it doesn’t really matters right?
Because you know that certain friends are there for you when you need help and stuff right? This are what it should be called friends and as for those who are not there for you, erm , they should be called also friends but then…
forget it :).
People who have fewer friends usually will look up to those people who have many friends right? But actually, what is the use of having more friends when there are not even there for you when you need help or there for you when you need them, right?
Many friends don’t mean actually good or what.
It’s just like many apples in the basket which are actually rotten. What the use of having many apples when they are rotten? Right? Get what the sentence is trying to say?
Fewer friends don’t mean it’s a bad thing also because in life, we don’t have to have many friends but we will be glad that we have friends which are there for us when we need them.
These types of “quality” friends, we may not have a lot of it but then a few of them will do wonders in your life and stuff.
So therefore quantity of friends may mean nothing but quality of friend may mean much of it.
♦junk-record♦™ : anonymous - 11:33 PM
Title: “Magazine” special : are you smart or talent?
Sometimes life is just unfair,
Plainly unfair,
Seriously unfair
Really unfair,
Totally unfair
Forget it just unfair…
When people are smart in certain things or maybe talent in the things which can actually impress people like
The crowd or their friends will go “WOW”, clap clap clap…
They will then hang out with you,
Listen to you
Respect you.
But then when you nothing or just trying to learn those things, some people or most people don’t even care whether you are trying or maybe working hard for it.
As this people just see the outcome of you and not the progress of you.
And when you talk or speak out, the crowd will just go doing their own stuff or maybe hanging with their own group of friend leaving you talking to the wall or air.
It’s really unfair for those people who are trying their effort and also contribute their ideas and stuff even though they are not talent or smart. They are just trying their best to generate solution and also ideas to help out so that things can work even better.
So does it mean that you are smart or talent in certain things, you can speak out and act as if you are really the smartest and talented in the world?
So therefore, are they correct or are they wrong?
Actually we don’t have the answer because different people have different way of thinkingBut one thing which is sure is that time will tell and people soon or later will see…
♦junk-record♦™ : anonymous - 11:27 PM
♦ Saturday, June 13, 2009
Title: "Magazine" special : how personal is personal?
How personal is personal?
How personal is personal
So what does personal means to you? This question is actually depending on the person you actually ask because different people have different way of thinking. Personal is actually means about yourself and also things that related to you right?
Is it correct to say that?
So therefore here are some of the following questions which maybe personal and you may judge
“How personal is personal
How many brothers do you have?
How old are you?
What is your name?
Where do you live?
This question is actually personal but then however this “personal” question is about to be known by others as they want to get to know more about you and you also can let them know as this “personal” question maybe be personal about you but is for them to get to know more about you which is consider a advantage for you. Right?
So therefore, we look at the next set of question which you can see the different between personal (from above) and personal (from below).
What brand of underwear do you use?
How many clothes you change everyday?
How many times do you bath daily?
This question is actually very “personal” as it really personal. As in just very personal, when you tell the answers to the person who ask this, you will feel embarrassed or shy about it because it was meant not to be known unless someone is very close with you or whatever. It’s just like your secret which you cannot tell. Once you tell, you will feel very disgraced about it as this can be only known b yourself and not others. Get what the post is trying to say? So therefore, this is what it means by “how personal is personal?”
But then some people don’t even care as they go around tell other people about those “personal” questions.
Do you know why?
Because we are not them and we don’t even know why they want to tell us so therefore we just listen it and listen it like how teacher explaining answers…
♦junk-record♦™ : anonymous - 4:15 AM
Title: "Magazine" special : Movie

Just recently finish watching this movie called "Meet Dave"
Its a nice and funny movie.
rating - 4/5
♦junk-record♦™ : anonymous - 3:52 AM
♦ Thursday, June 11, 2009
Title: "Magazine" special : Person

She is Chelsea Korka from Paradiso Girls
she is also Miss West Broward USA 2007
also a Contestant from Pussycat Dolls Present: The Search For the Next Doll...
♦junk-record♦™ : anonymous - 3:38 AM
♦ Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Title: "Magazine" special : Songs
Here are some song:
Paradiso Girls - Patron Tequila
Cobra Starship - Good Girl Gone Bad
Jordin Sparks - Battlefield
Keri Hilson - Knock You Down
Lady GaGa - Paparazzi
Elliot Yamin - Don't Be Afraid
Flo Rida - Sugar
Alesha Dixon - Breathe Slow
Nina Sky - On Some Bullshit
♦junk-record♦™ : anonymous - 3:18 AM
Title: "magazine" special : Types of Friends
Which types of friend are you and also which types of friends you actually have
(the following is a nonsense post)
Hi and Bye: this is very famous type of friend which almost everyone almost have it. This type of friend is mainly just said “hi and bye” when they see each other. Other than that is just some typical “how are you” conversation.
“Exam” friend: This type of friend is full of question as they usually will pop out question like “where you going?”, “I very hungry, very cold.”, “ what time you leaving, where you going.” They will most of the time pop out question to ask you regarding about Future which you don’t even expect what to do next. All you have to do is just react “Huh” “again” “don’t know”. Most of the time, they will just keep quiet and act like a children.
(its okay to ask this question some of the time, but if the friend keep on asking and prompt different question like 5W 1H, that’s really under “exam” friend)
“Couple” friend: this type of friend usually cannot go to place alone as they are just “afraid” so always they will ask people to accompany them to places like near by shops, toilet or even like nothing. Its just like treat the person who follow like a shadow so that that type of friend will feel normal and not “afraid”.
“Just Talking” friend: this type of friend usually does talking and has no action at all. It’s some empty promise they usually make. Example like “this Monday we go shopping since we long time never go already.” end up, this friend will say “did I say that?” or maybe on that day itself, canceling the whole outing.
“Remember useful” friend: they will only remember you when they actually need help or anything which you can provide for. Thus, you are their friend when they really need you, other than that you are just transparent.
“chatterbox”: this type of friend will talk most of the time and usually can be pros and cons. Pros are when the listener is in good mood or nothing to do, they can actually be entertained while the cons is this can irritate you when you are busy or bad mood as the friend talk most of the time...
“motive” friend: this type of friend are the most scariest friend you will never want to meet but some of them has actually met them before. This friend will try to be friend with you and gain your trust so that they can actually make use of you to complete to their mission and after completing their mission, you will be “delete and keep in under recycle bin”.
♦junk-record♦™ : anonymous - 3:01 AM
Title: "magazine" special : Dancers?
There was once people say that the people who you hang out with can actually change your character and stuff. This is actually kind of scary.
An example will be dancers. Typical dancers who usually hang out with those dope dancers will usually think that they are also one of the dope dancer as they usually hang out together but the fact is actually whether they are consider dope is actually not based on the people you hang out but is you have to actually earn it.
Dancer who are improving and getting better is a good sign as they are actually progressing. But then never tease or laugh at those dancers who are trying to learn as you are also once in their shoes before. Just think that how you feel when you just started out dancing and those people who teach you yet laughing at you. Never laugh at them but it would be better to try to guide them or teach them.
You maybe a good dancer in here or certain places but you are not a perfect dancer as there is much better dancer than you in the world.
Some dancers are also living in their own world as they have their own clique which they think that they are the best. Anything about performance or any show which they perform with its other friend, they will be living in their own world treating their friends like transparent as if they doesn’t exist and remember only them and their clique which they perform. Sometimes this clique are just trying to contradicting themselves with it friends. By saying this that blah blah and end up, this clique will still be back to themselves and make empty promise to its friends.
Therefore, the conclusion is that some dancers doesn’t even know what they are doing and pretend they actually know a lot which actually contradicting others and make others wondering here and there.
♦junk-record♦™ : anonymous - 2:59 AM
Title: "magazine" special : The blind girl
Few days ago, anonymous was eating with its friends at some typical famous fast food restaurant. We are seating in a long table and there are around like 8 people which is somehow like the diagram below.
....A ..............44
Legend: ========= - table
0 – friends
A – anonymous
3 – blind girl
U – friend B
R – couple R
4 – the group of friends
We were ordering our own food and started to eat as all of us are tired and also hungry like there is no tomorrow. Anonymous only try to talk to a friend who seated at “U” as “U” was seating alone so therefore anonymous wanted to entertain her. Talk and talk but then noise is coming out mainly by couple R as they are in kind of their own world. So yup, never mind. Then time pass by, anonymous still talk to “U” but there wasn’t much talking as “U” was tired and stuff. So therefore , anonymous continue to eat its food.
Then suddenly, “3” which is known as the blind girl ask anonymous.
Blind girl: “hey, why don’t you seat over here and entertain us?”
Anonymous: (was eating and looking at the blind girl) “hello? Anonymous was still eating.”
Blind girl: (smiling like some commercial product with that group of friend “4”) “No, you’re not eating?”
Anonymous: (was thinking whether are blind girl really blind or what) “its not funny, Anonymous is still eating”
Blind girl: “no, I never say its funny”
Anonymous: (this blind girl is getting too much, people eating still want to entertain you, you queen is it?) “Hey, Whatever okay”
(the group of friends was stunt)
Blind girl: (silent for awhile) (was talking to the group of friends “4”) “Anonymous not angry with me one, cause I know when Anonymous angry, Anonymous will keep quiet one. Right, Anonymous?”
Anonymous: (wow, trying to cover up yourself?) (in fact, I was angry and piss cause she is “BLIND”) “YAYAYA WHATEVER”.
Then the conversation was over.
Though it’s like nothing.
But Anonymous felt that the blind girl was too much as how she reacts when anonymous was eating. “No, you’re not eating?”
This is so rude. So you’re treating anonymous like some entertainment just because you are bored and never think that anonymous was actually eating? Replying in a sarcastic way?
You cannot wait is it?
Oh sorry, anonymous forgot that you are a “blind” girl.
♦junk-record♦™ : anonymous - 11:26 PM
Title: "magazine" special : clothing

This outfit above is actually very formal as the design is tend to look formal, with the lines design of the outfit actually make the person look tall. This outfit is suitable for formal event like maybe wedding dinner or maybe some function event.
Wearing this on town: people will look at you and waiter will confirm drag you into their
restaurant as they think that you are going for some formal dinner 8.5/10
Wearing this on night market: people will look at you as you actually nicely dress .8.5/10
Wearing this on neighborhood shops: people will still look at you as in some crazy girl who wants to seek for attention. 6/10

This outfit is now very typical in those street in town and also those girl who wear in night market. This tend too look some sort of "wanna be" formal type of formal.
Wearing this on town: people will not really look at you as this outfit, most of the people also have 7/10
Wearing this on night market: people will not really look at you as this outfit, most of the people also have.7.5/10
Wearing this on neighborhood shops: people will not really look at you as this outfit is very typical now 7.5/10

This outfit is more to comfortable as you can see the outfit is just a piece of colourful cloth. This is a dress and the bottom is short. So therefore, it will confirm have attention around you.
Wearing this on town: people will look at you and waiting you for upskirt, 8/10
Wearing this on night market: people will crowd around you and waiting for the chnace to molest you since you wear such a short dress.7.5/10
Wearing this on neighborhood shops: people will look at you as they never seen such people wear so less in a neighbourhood. 6/10
♦junk-record♦™ : anonymous - 6:56 AM
Title: "magazine" special : Clothing
this outfit is actually nice and also it kind of following the trend now. Totally unique as it’s a flowery-design tube top match with typical jeans.
The tube top is very unique and also the way how she style the jeans with a loosen belt. Beside that, she also actually wear some weird stuff like thick-like wrist band which actually changes the style of the total outfit. This makes the outfit like fresh and “cold” as in the thick-like wrist band make it like its kind of “winter” season.
Wearing this on town: people will look at you and might also copy your style, 8/10
Wearing this on night market: people will look at you as in not only your outfit but also how sweaty you are as night market usually are hot and warm .7.5/10
Wearing this on neighborhood shops: people will still look at you as in some crazy girl who wants to seek for attention. 6/10

A very simple typical outfit which comes with hoodies, typical jeans and also showing some of the underwear. It’s a very simple wear which you can use for jogging as also travel anywhere you want. A totally simple and comfortable wear.
Wearing this on town: some people will tend to look at you while other don’t as they maybe wear better than you. 6.5/10
Wearing this on night market: people will tend to look at you as your hoodie will be totally wet as you are sweaty like hell. 5/10Wearing this on neighborhood shops: people will tend to look at you as you are too busy and have no time adjust what you wear as you are showing your underwear to the neighborhood. 5.5/10
♦junk-record♦™ : anonymous - 6:48 AM
Title: "magazine" special : who is actually the girl

Who is actually the girl who has appeared here and somewhere there?
Some people actually have seen her some where else while others doesn’t. Some people have been saying that that girl is actually anonymous best friend. But that was just rumors. Maybe its actually anonymous best friend or maybe not, only god knows.
The fact was that this mystery girl was or might be only of the person who actually “support all this”. She has actually doesn’t want to release any information about her as she claim it was confidential. But however, due to this special post of this month she is actually the first cover girl for this “magazine” though we are not sure whether there will be another issue or not. This actually not officially confirm as this “magazine” is just a “special edition” out of no where.
She also says that she will be or might be contributing some of the post into www.junk-record.blogspot.com. But then however, it’s not confirmed whether it’s true. Nobody actually cares whether the post is by her or not as all post in www.junk-record.blogspot.com is actually under “anonymous”. So therefore, who is who, nobody knows…
♦junk-record♦™ : anonymous - 6:52 AM
♦ Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Title: The random cover...

this is what been post in the previous post...
this is what the special post mean..
the "magazine cover" special!
it will feature
♦junk-record♦™ : anonymous - 6:12 AM